viernes, 8 de agosto de 2014

Blessed are you when people…falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Matthew 5:11

Blessed are you when people…falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Matthew 5:11

I read something, today, that made me sad and made me think.  In some parts of the world, Christian pastors and believers are being shown on T.V. with nothing more said than, "enemies of the State." They are then shunned and banned from many places, and neighbors and even family members want nothing more to do with these Christians simply because of a statement (with no evidence), "enemies of the State."  I was sad for these Christian believers, but as hard as life can be for them, I was even sadder for a different group of people.  I was saddened by the growing tendency to say, and to believe, a lie.
As I've traveled around the world, I've been part of several different groups and many deep friendships and have both the blessing and the burden, at times, of seeing individuals up close.  I have seen how the truth sets people free; how a kind word can cause the hopeless to come alive; how a gentle encouragement can give someone the strength to continue to stand.  And, I've seen how many times, we try to silence what we don't understand: we see it as a threat to us; or we refuse to speak out in what we know we should say.  In those times, we allow the "powerful" to continue in oppression; we allow the "intolerant" to label any voice that isn't theirs as "argumentative"; "unnecessary"; "gossip"; "trouble."  And such has always been from the time Cain killed Abel rather than face the conviction Abel brought to the time a group of leaders labeled Paul and Silas as "those who troubled the world."  Those leaders were not basing the claim against Paul and Silas on facts, but the Bible says in Acts 17 that those leaders were "filled with jealousy" because the multitudes were listening, and were beginning to believe.
We are blessed when men speak falsely of us because we stand up for Jesus: for freedom; for truth; for abundant life in Him.  If we are persecuted for helping the needy; for teaching the Bible; for doing what's right (whatever brings life, and hope, and truth, and keeps integrity); we are blessed and God, Himself, will care for us and comfort our hearts.  There are times when it is courageous to speak up and not let darkness silence us: where we see the weak being oppressed, it is courage to try to help.  Where we have the freedom to speak, we must be bold in proclaiming faith and joyful when we are "misunderstood."
 But, let us speak with clear evidence; discernment that tears down, and criticizes, and wounds with no facts to back it up is not discernment but jealousy and fear.  May we never be on the side of "saying falsely all kinds of evil" out of our own envy, or wounded pride or fear.  I am saddened for the one who begins a phrase with, "I think this person is...(fill in the blank)" with no evidence, but an agenda: an attempt to "re-gain" what we think we've lost (prestige; the spotlight; attention; that prime place at work, or in ministry, or in our social circle).  We label, and wound, and with just a word put someone on the outside, and make no move to comfort or restore.  There are two extremes: one is to say nothing when confronted with actions that cause oppression (as small as sarcasm and belittling
; as huge as oppressive judgment and control).  The other is to, with no evidence or actions observed, put our labels on individuals and demand that they behave as we dictate with no rhyme or reason as to what's noble or true.  May God bless those who are standing--from workplaces, to Africa--for love, and hope, and freedom.  May He comfort those who mourn and bring truth for those who are falsely accused.  May they know the joy of following in the steps of One Who was falsely accused all the way to the cross to make a way for us to know Him; may those times of persecution in our lives bring others closer to Him.
And may He give us wisdom as to when to speak, and what to speak.  May we never use our freedom to sow seeds of doubt and suspicion; may we be a voice for those who cannot speak for themselves.  May His heart and His words guide us, and may a hurting, broken world find a safe place in Him through us.

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